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Our Services

Strategic counsel

All work and/or projects that we undertake for your business begins with a strategic discussion. Before identifying possible initiatives and making recommendations, we confirm your role and function, and the environment in which you operate. This includes, amongst other things, your business and marketing objectives, understanding the fundamentals of your business, talking with your stakeholders and staff, assessing how your organisation is currently perceived and what has shaped those perceptions, what opportunities can be leveraged to your advantage and the challenges that need to be overcome.

This process helps us better understand the opportunities available for our clients and allows us to identify any constraints they work under. At that point, we can make recommendations of an agreed programme of activities or actions that has every chance of succeeding.

We provide strategic counsel to all our clients whilst we work through the agreed programme. Working closely with them in discussing all aspects of a programme or project, we act as a sounding board throughout.

Reputation and issues management

Working with your organisation to develop, preserve and/or enhance your reputation is central to our service offering. Everything we do is predicated on achieving this outcome.

Issues management and dealing with an urgent issue, problem or crisis seldom has the ‘luxury’ of time to brainstorm, plan, refine and implement. Crises occur when they are least expected. However, many crises in the making can be identified at an emerging stage and pre-empted or mitigated.

Our experience and proactive approach to issues management can help your business avoid crises and create an environment that is conducive to achieving your business and marketing objectives, and not having them derailed by the ‘unexpected’.

Investment and financial communications

Accentuate has extensive investment and financial communications experience including initial public offerings, rights issues and institutional placements, including mergers and acquisitions and other financial and investment transactions. We have extensive knowledge of the equity market, the NZX's listing rules, and have longstanding relationships with the business and financial media.

Media relations and media training

Media relations

We have extensive experience in obtaining bona fide editorial. We maintain contact with journalists who write in a wide range of media – print, broadcast (radio and television) and electronic – in order to be able to present your news to the right media at the right time.

While public relations is more than placing news releases and gaining coverage for clients in the media; ‘earned’ media is particularly effective at raising an organisation’s profile and enabling it to credibly present its point-of-view. Ignore the media at your peril.

Likewise, social media is becoming a significant component in clients' communications when they want to encourage a more one-on-one relationship with their customers.

Media training

We offer full media training, usually in a half-day format. Using a well developed tried-and-true formula combining an introduction of how the media works and understanding the do's and don'ts, we then plan and record interview situations with a senior reporter.

Although our clients say the prospect of being interviewed 'live' by a senior working journalist is they say, 'scary to say the least' all agree the experience has been invaluable. We always say that no one has ever died from our media training. As well as giving our clients an excellent base to engage with the media, it has also given our participants excellent skills in any form of public presentation.

Stakeholder management

We have wide experience in stakeholder management: the strategic public relations programmes we develop and implement are generally designed to create an environment where your organisation's stakeholders – be they investors, current and potential customers, suppliers and associates or staff – have a better understanding and appreciation of the product or service you provide.

Government relations and public affairs

Rob has extensive experience and expertise in developing and implementing well-conceived, focused government relations/public policy programmes and projects.

This experience includes: developing and managing public information programmes; explaining new legislation and government policies; work on behalf of clients in public policy development; minimising or averting the impact of the proposed regulation on businesses and other organisations, and enabling organisations to overcome regulatory hurdles by enlisting public support.

Event management

We have project managed a number of events, functions, client or sales presentations, conferences and product launches.

Our approach is to make an event, whatever its size, fit-for-purpose in order that it reflects credit on your organisation while at the same time, meets the expectations of your guests. Importantly, events should look effortless, run to time, be on strategy and come in within budget

Where appropriate, they should also be fun.

Editorial services

Our editorial and writing skills ensure your communications are current, accurate, timely and well-targeted to their intended audiences.

For 25 years we have worked closely with our clients and design studios to produce material that is fresh, well-designed, speaks directly to your specific audience and adds value to your bottom line.

We can help you with newsletters, books and handbooks, magazines, website content, articles, speeches and of course public relations material such as news releases, organisational backgrounders and FAQs.



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