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Nathan Meyer will put you first – not a political party’s ideology



Nathan Meyer, a candidate in the 2022 Wellington City Council elections for Motukairangi/Eastern General Ward, says that, if elected, he will represent you because he is a genuinely independent candidate.

Meyer says, “I am not ‘endorsed’ by a political party and won’t have to toe the party line, meaning I will be able to put your interests first.

“Unlike some local candidates, I have not had to sign a contract pledging that the party would have the final say on how I vote.

“Candidates that stand on a political party ticket get significant backing from the party to help them campaign, and are both obligated and contracted to repay that support by putting their party policy ahead of the community they are elected to serve.”

Meyer also says that some so-called independent candidates have previously had political affiliations and are active party members.

“If elected, I undertake to listen to you and put your interests and not a political party or ideology first.

“The Cobham Drive pedestrian crossing is a prime example of elected representatives choosing to ignore the community who overwhelmingly rejected the construction of a pedestrian crossing on the main road to Miramar and Wellington International Airport.

“Despite that opposition and a preference for an overbridge or tunnel under State Highway 1. Instead, construction of the new crossing is now underway, and we can expect more congestion, inconvenience, emissions, and cost. Let’s Get Wellington Moving is an expensive oxymoron driven by ideology.

“I would work to ensure that we create a corridor to the east that gets all forms of traffic moving; public transport and cars, and that the Cobham Drive pedestrian crossing, if completed, is replaced with an overbridge or under-road tunnel.”

What I stand for:

  • Focus on keeping rates under control and reviewing all spending to ensure no wastage of money or resources.
  • Wellington needs to move forward and now is not the time for any more big ‘nice-to-have’ projects.
  • Spending on core council services with an emphasis on fixing infrastructure.
  • Creating an open and approachable council that has a can-do and how can we help attitude.
  • Transport options for all - walking, cycling, public transport, and cars all have a place in our city.

About me

I have lived in Wellington my entire life (in the Eastern suburbs for over 20 years) and have a background in hospitality. In 2004, I started Carrello del Gelato, which I grew into a business selling across New Zealand and exporting to Singapore. Having sold that business earlier this year, I now have the opportunity and time to stand for the Council.

I have served six years on the Miramar Central School Board, looking after the property and finance portfolios. One of the highlights was arranging funding and construction of the school bike track.

I was recently re-elected as Chairman of Body Corporate, looking after an industrial site in Rongotai.

Authorised by Nathan Meyer –



Nathan Meyer will put you first – not a political party’s ideology

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