MedicAlert® Foundation appoints two new Board Directors: Katy Wilkinson and Dr Lallit Rajpal
MedicAlert® Foundation, the registered charity committed to saving lives by providing medical information in emergencies, has appointed two new directors to its Board; Katy Wilkinson and Dr Lallit Rajpal.
Katy Wilkinson BHSc, PGCertHSc, MBA has wide experience in the health sector having begun her career as a Paramedic at Wellington Free Ambulance (WFA) before becoming Service Delivery Manager for the WFA’s Central Communications Centre. More recently she was Clinic Manager for Fertility Associates and is currently a Clinical Advice Manager at ACC. Katy has a Bachelor Of Health Science (Paramedic), Whitireia Community College; a Post-Graduate Certificate in Gerontology, Otago University; and a Master’s in Business Administration from Victoria University of Wellington, where she is enrolled to begin her Doctorate next year.
Dr Lallit Rajpal BDS worked as a dentist for over 30 years in Tawa and is now practising, three days a week, in Greytown. He has also worked for the Department of Corrections serving the Wellington and Christchurch prisons. He remains actively involved in sports consultancy, assisting prominent and promising athletes with their commercial opportunities, introducing the AC Milan and Juventus Youth Football clinics in 2015 to 2018 and with College Cricket, including the Future Firebirds programme. Lallit has a Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) from Otago University.
Lallit and Katy join existing Directors Pieri Munro, Board Chair; Dr Andrew Dunn, Deputy Chair; Jenny Kendall; Michael Bott; and Upper Hutt Mayor Wayne Guppy.
MedicAlert® Foundation Chief Executive Murray Lord said, “These two appointments complement a strong Board bringing valuable skills and networks in the wider community. Katy has been familiar with MedicAlert for some time and is enthusiastic about the difference our service can make to people’s lives. Lallit’s family has a long association with MedicAlert; his late father was instrumental in establishing MedicAlert® Foundation as it is known today in New Zealand from 1970 and served as the Foundation’s first Medical Director and its longest-serving volunteer. We look forward to working with Katy and Lallit, and to the contribution they will make to the Foundation’s governance.
“I also acknowledge the contribution made by Kate Wang and Andrew Bos who stepped down from the board at the recent Annual General Meeting.
“MedicAlert® Foundation is currently managing several initiatives to better engage with our stakeholders and partners, to we continue to provide the best possible suite of services to members,” Murray Lord said.
About MedicAlert
MedicAlert® is a non-profit registered charity which has been operating in New Zealand since 1962.
Our mission is to save lives by providing personal identification and medical information in emergency situations.
Internationally, MedicAlert® has been saving lives for over 60 years.
In emergency situations, responders and clinicians need a trusted and reliable, but simple and fast way to get more information about you, that's why they check for the famous, clinically validated and service supported, body worn MedicAlert® Medical ID. They know your vital information comes directly from your doctor, so they can trust it and act on it immediately.
MedicAlert® offers more than a piece of jewellery - it offers greater peace of mind through a full range of support services including:
- MedicAlert® is the only Medical ID service that provides a 24/7 emergency hotline to support first responders with vital information on your medical condition
- the ability to keep your medical records up to date at all times
- a unique medical ID number connected to your specific medical information
- a membership services office available during business hours
- a medical emergency wallet card (which can be renewed as required).
New Zealand Health Practitioners refer their patients to receive MedicAlert® Services to enable more timely diagnosis and treatment in an emergency and to prevent avoidable harm.
MedicAlert® provides international protection. Wherever you go - MedicAlert® can provide peace of mind.