Christchurch City Council appoints e-Spatial to review Council’s GIS systems
e-Spatial, the independent spatial consultancy firm, today announced that it had been engaged by the Christchurch City Council to review their GIS (Geographic Information Systems), and develop a strategy and roadmap for the future of GIS services.
The engagement follows a contestable Request for Proposal process run by the Council. The contract is for an initial term of four months, with the potential to extend to support the implementation of the Strategy.
In March, the Council identified the need to review their current GIS systems and processes, and develop a strategy and roadmap to satisfy two main goals. The Council wanted to future-proof their spatial capability, ensuring it was consistent with and supported a citizen-centric collaborative approach, and enabled better interactions with customers and partners. The Council also needed to transition from post-earthquake activities to business-as-usual by supporting the integration of GIS aspects of SCIRT (Stronger Christchurch Infrastructure Rebuild Team). SCIRT was responsible for rebuilding the city’s roads, fresh water, wastewater and storm water networks following the earthquakes of 2010 and 2011. With the disestablishment of SCIRT, their activities need to be integrated with the Council’s business-as-usual.
Nikki Donaldson, Christchurch City Council’s IT Service Manager - Business Intelligence & Records, said “e-Spatial were selected due to their technical independence and their experience in the analysis, development and preparation of GIS Strategies and consultancy services.”
e-Spatial’s Managing Director Simon Jellie said, “e-Spatial’s role is to work with the Council to help shape the delivery of GIS services to meet business needs in the short term and define the longer term development of their GIS capability aligned to other key Council processes. e-Spatial will advise on the most effective way to approach these challenges to allow achievement of short term goals in a way that also enables and supports delivery of a long-term approach.”
The review will make recommendations on process improvements and the technology options available to the Council. e-Spatial will help the Council work with third party vendors to evaluate the options that best meet their current and future needs. The roadmap will include data governance, process, capability and technology options.
About e-Spatial
Established in 1998, e-Spatial has grown to become New Zealand’s leading independent spatial consulting firm. They partner with enterprise and government agencies to maximise the benefit of spatial to their business. They link location knowledge and business intelligence to help organisations make better decisions and better serve their customers.
e-Spatial has experience in providing high-level future strategy for clients, to guide their decisions and keep them informed of new technology directions. They ensure that any strategies developed take into account new technology and new directions in the industry to ensure that future directions are innovative, effective, flexible and future-proofed.
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