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Copycat Medical IDs pose serious risk to patients and first responders

Copycat Medical IDs pose serious risk to patients and first responders

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Copycat Medical IDs pose serious risk to patients and first responders

MedicAlert® Foundation is becoming increasingly concerned about a number of copycat unsupported medical IDs being advertised as Medical Alert Medical IDs.

Copycat medical IDs pose a serious risk to both patients and first responders in the event of a medical emergency if the correct patient information is not easily accessible.

MedicAlert® Foundation chief executive Murray Lord says, “MedicAlert is the only Medical ID service that is backed by a New Zealand based 24/7 emergency hotline to support first responders with vital information on your medical condition – no other copycat Medical ID provides this essential benefit.”

Copycat medical IDs are often advertised as a cheaper alternative to incentivise their purchase, but they are not registered or supported by the 24/7 emergency hotline enabling first responders to access accurate information about your medical status.

If you are unsure about the validity of your medical ID, the MedicAlert® Foundation is offering to help. Visit your GP and complete a MedicAlert® Enrolment form: forward this along with payment to enrol with MedicAlert® Foundation, along with the copycat ID.

The Foundation will then activate the support services you need and provide you with a new clinically validated custom engraved stainless-steel Medical ID at no additional cost.

“It is extremely important people are aware of the serious risks presented by using copycat IDs, they are not a Medic Alert® Medical ID and have none of the health, safety, privacy and identity fraud protection standards provided by a MedicAlert® Medical ID,” Murray Lord said.



Note to editors

A copy of the MedicAlert® Medical ID logo accompanies this news release. A genuine MedicAlert® Medical ID will always have this Logo, anything without this Logo is not a MedicAlert® Medical ID.

About MedicAlert

MedicAlert® is a non-profit registered charity which has been operating in New Zealand since 1962.

Our mission is to save lives by providing medical information in emergency situations.

Internationally, MedicAlert® has been saving lives for over 50 years. 

In emergency situations, responders and clinicians need a simple way to get more information about you, that's why they check for the famous, body worn MedicAlert® Emblem. They know your vital information comes directly from your doctor so they can trust it and act on it immediately.

MedicAlert® offers more than a piece of jewellery - it offers greater peace of mind through a full range of support services including:

  • MedicAlert® is the only Medical ID service that provides a 24/7 emergency hotline to support first responders with vital information on your medical condition
  • the ability to keep your medical records up to date at all times
  • a unique medical ID number connected to your specific medical information
  • a membership services office available during business hours
  • a medical emergency wallet card (which can be renewed as required).

New Zealand Health Practitioners refer their patients to receive MedicAlert® Services to enable more timely diagnosis and treatment in an emergency and to prevent avoidable harm.

MedicAlert® provides international protection. Wherever you go - MedicAlert® can provide peace of mind.


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